Rapicon car 25% 1 Ltr
RM 59.99
Nitromethane with 25%
lubricant content: 11%
# Flammable, cannot be shipped via Air # Labuan,Sabah & Sarawak shipped by Sea 15-30days
Shipping Method | Domestic | Oversea | Remark |
Kangaroo Worldwide service | YES | - | Penisular Malaysia |
Pos Laju | - | - | |
Pos Malaysia Airmail parcel | - | - | |
Pos Malaysia Sea parcel | YES | - | Sabah,Sarawak,W.P.Labuan & P.Langkawi |
Registered Pos Malaysia | - | - | |
Pos Malaysia International Airmail parcel | - | - |
Pos Malaysia International Sea parcel | - | YES | Shiped Worldwide... |