MD 80A6S Electrical Speed Controller ESC
Introduction FeaturesProduct Functions
* Motor TimingMotor Timing
Angle of the motor into the setting modeInInto the angle of the motor offers three settings, is divided intoLow/In/HighMotor into the corner, can be different for maximum performance brushless motor to adjust the output. SelectHighSet into the corner to provide more power output, but the relative motor efficiency will be reduced. Such as change settings through the motor into the corner, re-measure the operating current to prevent the battery from overload.
* Battery ManagementBattery Management System
Built-in battery management function, based on the number of battery strings to calculate the output power and discharge time. IntoNi-MH/Lithium polymerTwo modes of the battery to prevent battery over discharge and extending battery life.
* Flight modeFlying Mode
Flight mode the default form of three different flight options, divided intoFixed-wing aircraft/Glider/HelicopterAvailable to the user selection.
* Temperature protectionThermal Protection (Built-in function, not setting)
Built-in high-temperature power failure protectionCare, when the operation of the governor during the working temperature110°CThis temperature protection program will automatically force the power off.
Configuration stepsSet Up Procedure
1. Factory setting
The factory default for the motor in the Timing+Li-Poly Battery low discharge mode+Helicopter mode.
2. Function setting mode and enter the correct throttle travel
Because different brands have different travel transmitter content, we strongly recommend that the new body on the device after the first use of travel before the throttle calibration procedures for.
I. Throttle lever will be put on full throttle position.
II. Open the transmitter power.
III. Governor connected power, when the motor will be issued Confirmation tone.
IV. Hear the confirmation tone will be placed on the throttle lever throttle fully closed position, the motor will be issued at this time Confirmation tone to complete the throttle stroke correction.
This correction process will get the best of the throttle curve and supple. After the completion of correction can remove the power supply, or wait for a second set directly into the function setting mode.
3. Motor Timing SetMotor timing
After the completion of a second throttle stroke correction, the system automatically set the pattern into the corner into the motor. Into low into the corner into the corner in high into the corner of three options to choose from, the motor will be issued as shown in the instructions as the length of the sound options.
Motor at low angleSoft motor timing
o ----Into the angle of the motor inMiddle motor timing (Default)
o Motor high into the cornerHard motor timing
To set the feature to hear the instructions of the length of tone, from the lowest position of the throttle lever to move to full throttle position to select the setting. And then the throttle lever from the fully open position to the throttle fully closed position to confirm and storage can be. If do not need to set other options, can remove the power to complete the feature set and storage. Other features such as the need to set directions, please wait for the length of sound to the next.
4. Battery management settingsBattery Management System
After completion of the motor into the angle setting, the system will automatically enter the battery management settings. Into nickel-metal hydride, lithium polymer batteries are two options to choose from, the motor will be issued as shown in the instructions as the length of the sound options.
Lithium-polymer battery power low-discharge protection (Default)
1st Stage voltage @ 2.9V
2nd Stage voltage @ 2.6V (Helicopter mode is not supported)
o Ni-MH battery5Volt power protection
To set the feature to hear the instructions of the length of tone, from the lowest position of the throttle lever to move to full throttle position to select the setting. Throttle lever and then move to the fully open position by the throttle fully closed position to confirm and storage can be. If do not need to set other options, can remove the power to complete the feature set and storage. Other features such as the need to set directions, please wait for the length of sound to the next.
5. Flight modeFlying Mode
After completion of the battery management settings, the system will automatically enter flight mode settings. Divided into fixed-wing aircraft, gliders, helicopters, three options to choose from, the motor will be issued as shown in the instructions as the length of the sound options..
Fixed-wing aircraftModeAircraft mode
o Glider ModeGlider mode
o Slow start with the helicopter modelHelicopter mode with soft start (Default)
To set the feature to hear the instructions of the length of tone, from the lowest position of the throttle lever to move to full throttle position to select the setting. Throttle lever and then move to the fully open position by the throttle fully closed position to confirm and storage can be. If do not need to set other options, can remove the power to complete the feature set and storage. Other features such as the need to set directions, please wait for the length of sound to the next.
Helicopter Mode Description
In helicopter mode, there are slow-start, speed control after the user close the throttle10Seconds against slow start function to prevent users from mistakenly close the throttle, you can quickly start the motor to re-launch the helicopter to avoid accidents.
High power motor system is very dangerous, and its high current heating wires and the battery may cause a fire or burn the skin, follow the instructions with care. With a high power motor vehicle or remote controlled model helicopter can cause accidental injury, be sure to confirm the flight standards and venue for the flight, do not close or over the crowd. Even if you already have the necessary safety measures, when you connect the battery you have to be careful.